Artist talk: Rhizome - Network Without Center Point

Free entry
Language: English

Join us for an artist talk as we move through Rhizome - Network Without Center Point - an exhibition created without a specific theme and questioning whether the predetermined focus is even necessary today.

Together with the artists, we explore a network with infinite centers, where the complex entanglement allows us to discover art and works anew. We can move and swing further and closer away from what the exhibition and the individual works want or mean. Perhaps we can create a whole new balance and discover an interconnectedness?

Artists in the talk:
Aziz Hazara, Ode de Kort, Sungsil Ryu, Larisa Sitar, Eugénie Didier, Luis Kürschner, Mads Lindberg and Isadora Neves Marques.

It's free to attend, but we recommend that you register on Billetto.

Graphic designer: Dokho Shin.
Graphic designer: Dokho Shin.