Notes for supplement existing knowledge

Five Danish and five German artists meet in the exhibition project Notes for supplement existing knowledge which was launched on 13 June at Fabrik der Künste in Hamburg. From 17 July the project moves on to Aarhus where it can be experienced at Kunsthal Aarhus until 1 August.

The exhibition shows different artistic expressions and approaches to art. In Hamburg, the artists present the artworks curated as a group show. In Aarhus the exhibition is an open concept where the artists engage in a communication process with each other. During the exhibition, the artists will be giving talks about their individual artistic investigations and the production processes.

Sally Dalgaard (DK), Benjamin Krog Møller (DK), Kim Grønborg (DK), Ditte Lyngkær (DK), Felis Dos (DK), Louise Vind Nielsen (DE), Simone Kesting (DE), Simon Schultz (DE), Carl Maria Kemper (DE), Paula Erstmann (DE).

Notes for supplement existing knowledge is part of the art project Always together ...mostly happy, which highlights the importance of international exchange and gives space for individual ideas to find solutions to the common challenges that surround the regions.

The project is supported by:
Goethe Institut
Hamburg ministry of culture
Aarhus Center for Visual Art
Aarhus Municipality

Image: Felis Dos, Simone Kesting, Ditte Lyngkær, Notes for supplement existing knowledge, Fabrik der künste, Hamburg, 2024. Photo: Carsten Rabe.
Image: Felis Dos, Simone Kesting, Ditte Lyngkær, Notes for supplement existing knowledge, Fabrik der künste, Hamburg, 2024. Photo: Carsten Rabe.
Image: Sally Dalgaard, Notes for supplement existing knowledge, Fabrik der künste, Hamborg, 2024. Photo: Carsten Rabe.
Image: Sally Dalgaard, Notes for supplement existing knowledge, Fabrik der künste, Hamborg, 2024. Photo: Carsten Rabe.
Image: Simon Schultz, Notes for supplement existing knowledge, Fabrik der künste, Hamburg, 2024. Photo: Carsten Rabe.
Image: Simon Schultz, Notes for supplement existing knowledge, Fabrik der künste, Hamburg, 2024. Photo: Carsten Rabe.