Synthetic Summit – Goodiepal & Aesthetic Computer

Free entry

Radical Computer Music meets Algorithmic Democracy

At the Synthetic Summit, Goodiepal and Aesthetic Computer explores the limits of political AI through an anti-political session merging alternative intelligence, radical computer music, and algorithmic democracy. Following the initial conversations between Computer Lars (The Synthetic Party) and Goodiepal on R8dio’s Lær Klokken, the event connects historical radicalities with a visionary futurity.

Goodiepal, pioneer of alternative intelligence and radical computer music, joins forces with Aesthetic Computer – a mobile-first runtime and social network for creative computing (launched in 2020 during COVID with free No Paint software for web and iOS).

The Synthetic Summit is about worlding wins. Revisit the radical and the banal with Computer Lars, Goodiepal and Aesthetic Computer.

Images: Computer Lars, 2025, representing Goodiepal in Synthetic Summit.
Images: Computer Lars, 2025, representing Goodiepal in Synthetic Summit.