SKAF talk: Kristina Fernos and Lastivka

Free entry
Language: Danish

You are invited to SKAF's next public event focusing on Ukraine.

In 2023 SKAF - Sammenslutning af Kunstaktører i Aarhus for Flygtninge (The Arts Association in Aarhus for Refugees) hosted 10 art workshops and gallery visits for Ukrainian refugees. What have we learned from these experiences? How can we as cultural actors in Aarhus better accommodate people who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine?

We begin with a short presentation by SKAF coordinator Pam Grombacher about the association’s recent activities and growing collaborations with Ukrainian community groups.
Visual artist Kristina Fernos will then explore how memes, online trends and information drives helped Ukrainians assert control over their lives and their reactions to violence, especially during full-scale invasions.
Finally, Vasyl Gedz will present his work through Lastivka, a volunteer association that has been supporting Ukrainians across Denmark since 2012.


Attendance is free and open to everyone. The event will be held mostly in Danish, with the introduction in English. Food and drinks will be provided, so registration is encouraged.

About the participants

SKAF is an association of artists and art institutions in Aarhus, who organize cultural events for the city’s refugees.

Kristina Fernos (1997) is originally from Ukraine, currently based in Denmark. She began her art education in 2006 at Shevchenko State Art School in Kyiv. In 2018, she applied to The Jutland Art Academy where she started to work with video, sound, watercolor, and textiles to create organic and grotesque aesthetics. Since graduating in Spring 2023, Kristina has been running a series of workshops that build on earlier works.

With over 1000 volunteers working in 6 Danish cities, Lastivka organizes sport clubs, language schools, summer camps, and social clubs to help build and strengthen Ukrainian communities. The association also collaborates with NGOs, government offices, and international networks on social and political causes.

Image: Courtesy of Lastivka.
Image: Courtesy of Lastivka.
Image: Courtesy of Kristina Fernos.
Image: Courtesy of Kristina Fernos.